CSG News
  Optical Sorting Tech for R-PET Recycling
    In recent years, with the rising awareness of environmental protection and continuous advancements in recycling technologies, optical sorting technology has achieved remarkable success in the R-PET recycling field. Color sorters, as a key tool in this domain, are widely used for sorting R-PET of different colors due to their high sorting efficiency. Simultaneously, material sorters have shown some capability in identifying and separating R-PET material differences.
  Market Analysis and Applications of Quartz
    Vein quartz is not a mineralogical name but refers to rock almost entirely composed of quartz, formed by hydrothermal or metamorphic processes, and occurring in vein form. The quartz content can exceed 99%, with minor inclusions of pyrite, specularite, hematite, chalcopyrite, galena, feldspar, and mica. The rock is typically white or light gray with a greasy luster, anhedral texture, and is hard and dense.
  CSG FX Park is set to commence operations
    The CSG Fangxing Park is set to commence operations soon. This project aims to establish a "Silicon Valley" for the domestic color sorting machine industry, enhancing the automation level of production and testing equipment, and promoting efficient resource utilization and green development.
  Ore Sorting with Optical Sorting Technology
    aterial-based optical sorting technology leverages the distinct reflection, transmission, and scattering characteristics of materials under different light wavelengths. By integrating advanced image processing technology and intelligent algorithms, this technology enables precise identification and sorting of ores.
  Smart and Digital Economy Empowerment
    Promoting the application of intelligent manufacturing equipment and software, cultivating new models of digital economy empowerment... At present, a new wave of large-scale equipment upgrades is being vigorously promoted across various industries, continuously injecting "new quality productivity" into high-quality development. Following the release of the "Implementation Plan for Promoting Large-Scale Equipment Renewal and Consumer Goods Replacement" in mid-April, terms like "equipment renewal," "replacement of old with new," and "green sorting center" have become emerging buzzwords in the industry
  CSG AI and NIR-Based Optical Sorting
    CSG Revolutionizes Mining and Recycling Industries with AI and NIR-Based Optical Sorting Equipment
CSG Copyright 2000-2018 / Article by COLOR SORTER